Thursday 1 September 2016

The Final Poem

Take your mark!
I get into a pose.
Get set.
I tried to steady my breathing.
I’m off!

My hands, my head, my waist my legs, I’m in.
Glide, glide, glide.
Oh no I think I’m coming last.
You're not I said to myself.
I wasn't going to start letting my mind get the better of me.

Heart pounding.
Legs kicking like they have a mind of there own.
Eagle eyes searching for the finish line.

Chest heaving, feet kicking, PAIN PAIN PAIN!!!

Suddenly I slap the end.
Then a wave of proudness came over me.

I came third!!!
The end
By Ruby

Monday 11 April 2016

Take a trip in side

swimming sports

                                                    Swimming sports
I see…. people just making it to the end.
I hear….Mr Kinsey in the microphone.
I feel…..a shock come over me when I jump into icy pool.
I taste…..the bitter chlorine when I swallow a gulp of water.
I smell…..the wafting scent of food.
I wonder….. if I will come first.
I see…...people staring at me.
I hear…... the scream of the whistle.
I feel…..the water gulping me down.
I taste….success in my mouth.
I smell…...the chlorine around the pool.
I wonder… long it will take me to get to the end
I see…...people next to me shaking.
I hear…..the water lapping against the side of the concrete pool.
I feel…...butterflies flapping in my shaking tummy.
I taste…...yucky pool water.
I smell…..stinky people next to me.
I wonder…… when my body will hit the water.